A PDF of over 80 A4 pages of original artwork from the book "The Cycle of Growth". Around 100 pictyres.
In printable PDF and Excel Spreadsheet formats.
Please bear with me as this new site develops.
EXCEL : LIFE DIARY 2 PAGES - a fillable form with automated years. Save individual versions (xls)
DownloadEXCEL macro: Automate any Generic and Personal "Personal Life Diary. LibreOffice version available (xls)
DownloadEXCEL - Just a solitaire game I programmed. Hope you enjoy it. Triogame.xls (xls)
DownloadPDF : LIFE DIARY + ANNUAL SUN TRANSIT to print (pdf)
DownloadTHE CYCLE OF GROWTH PICTUREBOOK : Full size artwork from "The Cycle of Growth". Good with ebook. (pdf)
DownloadEXCEL : LIFE DIARY -64bit (xls)