Here is a summary of my life experience which resulted in the publication of my books. There is more detail in “The Cycle of Growth”.
I had a fairly normal life with Christian upbringing and without any knowledge or interest in “occult” subjects (occult just means “hidden”) until age 34 when I had some unusual experiences which led me, via Spiritualism, to discover an ability for Healing and realise that there is more to life than what we perceive with our normal 5 senses.
I have met people who, when I mention occult subjects, accuse me of “dabbling”. I realise that I never dabble. Once I am interested in a subject I pursue it in some depth, and, like “Doubting Thomas” (my middle name), need to see physical evidence.
After a mid life crisis brought about by a stomach ulcer, choosing the right life path means I have not had to visit a doctor for over 40 years since.
I now have 81 years’ experience of my own birth chart and over 45 years of experience as consultant - continually experimenting to test the theoretical knowledge. My main “guinea pig” being myself. This has enabled me to make several new discoveries that will not be found anywhere else.
Although I eventually qualified as a full member of The National Federation of Spiritual Healers - which is recognised by the UK National Health Service and British Medical Association - in the United Kingdom (now under the umbrella of The Healing Trust) and achieved probationer certificates with The Institute of Spiritualist Mediums as Spirit Communicator and Speaker I decided that these areas did not hold enough information about how things “worked”, or, if there is a purpose to life, what it is. If we knew what that was it would provide some focus. The same can be said about The Tarot. Having given hundreds of readings for people unknown to me, and being amazed at the accuracy, it was more interesting to put the cards back in order to see their overall story better.
My main interest is Astrology because, not only does it have a scientific basis, but is open to more scientific experimentation. It also gives a broader overview on life than the other disciplines which tend to be limited to more mundane activities on a day-to-day basis. Astrology also gives us some idea of our true individual Purpose FOR THIS LIFETIME . It is for this reason that, even though after a redundancy I began to pursue Healing, Astrology, and Tarot, on a professional basis, I decided to return to a “normal” job so that I could approach them in my own way, at my own speed.
The traditional methods, even though valid in their own terms, do not entirely relate to modern day thinking or experience, however, by taking new scientific discoveries into account they make more sense. For example, we all nowadays have some knowledge of Psychology – which did come into existence until relatively recent years. In addition I studied numerous other related subjects such as Kabbalah, Numerology, and the I Ching – all of which I found worked, but, once again, did not give any overview – that is, until I compared them with Astrology. There is also the vast amount of information given by Edgar Cayce who was a psychic medium who gave verifiable information about people he never met in 14,306 readings - all of which were recorded and checked. He also had a Christian upbringing, and became worried when his spirit source began giving information about clients’ past lives and Reincarnation.
One important thing that came to light in my studies was that authorities on any particular subject can disagree. An important feature of my books is that, by comparing them with other seeming unrelated areas of study combined with new scientific discoveries, a truer picture emerges. A prime example for me is that, despite having spent 9 years in a church choir in my early days, when I now refer back to The Bible I am discovering more of the hidden meanings. For example, the Book of Revelation refers to John's experience of opening his chakras - something of which I experienced myself.